
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I haven't been posting ~

I haven't been posting.

I know, shame on me. BUT! I hope to put something up to make up for it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

She does it again! Lavender → Teal (BONUS: Tutorial!)

Yes, I changed again. It's been  4  5 months (I can't count apparently! This is why you don't write and edit a blog post at 3 AM EST) since I bleached my hair and roots, which have gone pretty insane. I have a photoshoot to do as well as probably makeup and a show to perform in.

I'm doing Teal for these purposes!

An Odd Haul — Or What I Got at Dragon*Con

I'm back from Dragon*Con with a few pictures. Costumes were somewhat unremarkable! Not for lack of trying but there weren't many stunning costumes or characters that I wanted to stop the person and take a picture! Plus the one costume I wanted to see wasn't there sadly.

I do have photos with some musicians though as well as band merch, various shirts and things.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Stocking Anarchy Makeup ~

Here are photos of my Stocking Anarchy cosplay makeup.

Now (officially!) on Bloglovin'

I have noticed some of my traffic sources come from Bloglovin'. I personally never bothered to go on it but if you're coming from there, then I'll claim my blog! Link below ~

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Oh, and today, I noticed I had a Twitter link ( URL) under my traffic sources page for my SKIN79 BB post. Did someone tweet my post?! Wish I had known. Thank you whoever did!

Con post coming soon ~